Nine of Wands Meaning
Upright: nightmares, worry, guilt Reversed: overcoming fear, peace of mind, acceptance
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Upright: nightmares, worry, guilt Reversed: overcoming fear, peace of mind, acceptance
Upright: entrapment, limiting beliefs, indecision Reversed: freedom, empowerment, breaking free
Upright: deception, trickery, sneakiness Reversed: honesty, accountability, facing consequences
Upright: transition, journey, better future Reversed: unable to move on, regret, uncertainty
Upright: conflict, betrayal, defeat Reversed: reconciliation, forgiveness, making amends
Upright: celebration, homecoming, community Reversed: disruption, instability, lack of harmony
Upright: progress, expansion, exploration Reversed: delayed progress, obstacles, narrow-mindedness
Upright: planning, exploration, exploration Reversed: lack of planning, indecision, indecision
Upright: inspiration, creativity, energy Reversed: delays, blocked creativity, low energy
Upright: completion, integration, achievement Reversed: incompletion, resistance, lack of fulfillment